Short Course Bundle

These are the courses included in our 50 Short Course Bundle.

Courses tagged with "Short Course Bundle"

Number of topics: 4

The aim of this training is to help early years practitioners understand what is meant by pedagogy and how to apply this to their own practice.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain the term pedagogy
  • Describe some different pedagogical approaches
  • Reflect on your own pedagogical approach and its impact on outcomes for children.

Number of topics: 3

This online course looks at how early years practitioners can respond sensitively to incidents of biting.

Key Topics include:

  • The reasons children may bite;
  • How to use observations as a key tool in identifying the underlying reasons for biting; using an ABC observation chart;
  • Supporting and developing empathy in young children;
  • Strategies early years practitioners can implement into their setting to minimise incidents of biting;
  • Building parents confidence in dealing with biting incidents;
  • Key tips for developing resources and
  • How to work with parents to ensure a consistent approach to biting in the setting and at home.

Number of topics: 4

The aim of this course is to give learners an introduction in to what continuous provision is and how to effectively plan and enhance this. It will also look at the role of the adult when supporting children in the early years.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain what continuous provision is be equipped to plan for it across the different age groups
  • How to enhance this provision
  • Identify the adults role in supporting children’s learning and development through continuous provision.

Number of topics: 3

The aim of this course is to help you understand the Ofsted terms 'Intent’, ‘Implementation’ and ‘Impact’ and how to apply these to your practice.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand what makes up the Ofsted inspection judgement on the quality of education
  • Understand and use Ofsted terminology, in particular ‘intent’, ‘implementation’ and ‘impact’
  • Explain your practice using the new terminology
  • Assess your practice against Ofsted criteria.

Number of topics: 5

What will I learn? 

This short online course will support practitioners with how boys learn. It covers how to plan your environment to ensure it excites and motivates both genders. 

Boys learn differently to girls and early years practitioners can play a key part in reducing the achievement gap. The course includes lots of practical ideas and activities. 

Key topics include: 

•  Why there is a need to focus on boys? 
•  Plan your environment to excite and motivate both genders 
•  The impact of a female dominated profession 
•  Gender differences and brain development 
•  Boys motivations and what motivates boys in your setting 
•  Ways to engage boys in literacy through play 

Once you have added and paid for this item in your cart, you will receive an email giving you full information on how to access this online course.


Number of topics: 4

This course has been withdrawn from sale and no new enrolments are being taken.

This short course will provide an overview of the inspection framework judgement area Quality of Education. The course will support practitioners understanding of this new area and share practical ideas to ensure a cohesive shared approach to embedding Quality of Education across their provision. The course provides practical advice and tools that can be taken into your setting to support your practice, including a template and ideas for creating your own Quality of Education Vision Statement. 


Number of topics: 3

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • Explain what is meant by the term ‘transition’ and summarise the theory and research behind this
  • Assess key issues that children may face through times of change and identify solutions to fully support each unique child through times of transition
  • Outline the key partners in the transition process, including parents and examine the importance of partnership working on consistency
  • Investigate the effect the emotional and physical environment can have on a child’s well-being and identify strategies to support environmental change
  • Discuss planning strategies needed to ensure support a smooth, effective the transition process which will benefit all children and key partners.

Number of topics: 5

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) is social policy drawn up in 1989. It is an international agreement protecting the rights of children up to the age of 18.

We will introduce all the UNCRC Articles that shape children’s rights. Then identify Articles that are specifically related to childcare and explore opportunities to promote and embed children’s rights into your everyday practice.

Who should complete this course?
This course is suitable for anyone that is studying a childcare qualification or working with children.


Number of topics: 5

By the end of this course you will:

  • Explain what is meant by a ‘Courageous Conversation'
  • Discuss the most effective communication skills to use when holding courageous conversations
  • Predict what it's like for a parent
  • Outline how to effectively manage a situation where parents are non-accepting of the situation.

Who should complete this course?
This is suitable for anyone who works in early years, e.g. nursery practitioners, pre-school practitioners, playgroup practitioners and childminders.


Number of topics: 5

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act came into force on the 1st July 2015. One of its provisions was to place a duty on organisations, including Early Years Settings and Schools to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This duty is known as the 'Prevent Duty'.

Key Topics Include:

  • Explore the context of the Prevent Duty
  • Highlight how Prevent links with your other policies and procedures
  • Discover what is meant by Fundamental British Values
  • Identify how these values link to everyday early years practice.

We will introduce the Prevent Duty and Fundamental British Values exploring how they fit into your every day Early Years practice.

Who should complete this course?
This course is suitable for individuals working with children in early years, e.g. nursery practitioners, pre-school practitioners, playgroup practitioners and childminders. The content is tailored to early years frameworks within the Home Nations.


Number of topics: 4

This course is suitable for early years practitioners in England responsible for the coordination of SEND provision within their early years setting. The course will help you understand the education, health and care Plan (EHCP) process. It will provide an overview of the steps within the process, and the role of early years practitioners in supporting children who need or already have an EHCP in place. 

Course Topics

  • Understand the role of the education, health and care plan in supporting children with SEND 
  • Identify the sections of the education, health and care plan 
  • Know when and how to request an education health care needs assessment. 
  • Know the legal timelines and expectations as defined by the EHCP process
  • Working in partnership with all those involved in a child’s education health and care plan
  • Identify the key steps in the annual review process. 

Number of topics: 4

Early years practitioners recognise that all children are unique and they all have their individual needs. However, some children face challenges that impact on their learning and development. In order to nurture these children fully, it is crucial that practitioners are armed with a professional curiosity, knowledge and a willingness to create inclusive and supportive environments. This course has been designed to deepen the knowledge of practitioners in the early years and support better outcomes for young children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.


  • Support early years practitioners to develop their knowledge and awareness of SEND in the early years, to improve the experiences of the children in their care
  • Raise knowledge within the early years workforce to improve early identification of SEND

Number of topics: 5

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Explain key points from legislation and research regarding parents involvement and rights in the SEND process
  • Explore how to build positive relationships with parents and how to overcome barriers to engagement
  • Reflect on what it's like to be a parent in the SEND process
  • Investigate the benefits of two-way information sharing and effective communication skills in working with parents
  • Illustrate how to help build parents confidence in the planning and decision making process.

Who should complete this course?
This is suitable for any early years practitioner who works with children in their setting including nurseries, pre-schools and childminders in England. It is particularly relevant for those responsible for the coordination SEND provision within an early years setting.
