This course aims to equip practitioners with the necessary knowledge and skills to work effectively with young children and their families in promoting positive behaviour in the childcare setting. By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Define what we mean by positive behaviour, common behaviours that challenge and the reasons why we define them in this way
  • Identify the key theories of behaviour and their implications for promoting positive behaviour in young children
  • Identify your impact as a role model for behaviour
  • Explain effective communication strategies for building positive relationships with children and their families
  • Explain the importance of consistent routines, expectations and boundaries
  • Recognise and understand the role of the physical, emotional and social environment in promoting positive behaviour
  • Define why an engaging, inclusive environment plays a pivotal role in behaviour
  • Analyse active listening and conflict resolution strategies
  • Recognise the importance of observation techniques, documentation and record keeping
  • Identify strategies for self-care and stress management.

Who should complete this course?
This is suitable for anyone who works in early years who works with children in their setting, e.g. nursery practitioners, pre-school practitioners, playgroup practitioners and childminders.